Honestly, out of every awful thing recounted about his childhood in "Ham on Rye" it really feels like the thing that scarred him the most (...both literally and figuratively) and made him who he became was actually his experience with cystic acne
I'm embarrassed by these writers who became clowns so people would pay attention to them. Remember when James Ellroy made a complete fuckin' fool of himself on the Conan O'Brien show, jumping around and making funny voices? And that "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" guy - What did you expect to happen? And that Michael O'Donahue fool . . .
about the best you could do as a very pockmarked, closeted gay man facing early deindustrialization
Honestly, out of every awful thing recounted about his childhood in "Ham on Rye" it really feels like the thing that scarred him the most (...both literally and figuratively) and made him who he became was actually his experience with cystic acne
yeah and youre gay too if you focus on that part of my statement
If you are even close to being a public figure there are going to be a lot of people going around talking about how you are gay.
but no seriously. have you heard him speak?
Yeah, he doesn’t have gayvoice. He talks slowly and with emphasis, like someone who has cultivated a persona.
Closeted gay man?
Everyone's gay. Bukowski, Malcolm X, Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon. Google it.
This is some certified Silly Girl Rhetoric™
I'm embarrassed by these writers who became clowns so people would pay attention to them. Remember when James Ellroy made a complete fuckin' fool of himself on the Conan O'Brien show, jumping around and making funny voices? And that "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" guy - What did you expect to happen? And that Michael O'Donahue fool . . .