It took under twenty-four hours for the Dems to turn into a racist lynch mob
Democrat COPE roundup, Part 1
In my Psychic Election Breakdown, which was schedule-posted at 8:00am EST on November 6th, I made the following prediction:
What makes the loss extra special this time vs. say 2016 is that the Dems may well wind up blaming Black people and Muslims and Arabs. Obama has already been going around calling Black men misogynists for not supporting Kamala. A secondary candidate for blame will likely go to “hypocritical” queer people for supporting “bigoted” Palestine enough to not vote Blue, even as the Democrats are clearly writing trans people off as a political “liability” this election and effectively leaving them to the wolves after having fuelled their further persecution with empty partisan posturing to begin with. Considering the degree to which the Dems have been dedicated to posturing on immaterial idpol and “recognition” (the quotations here implying the Hegelian sense as critiqued in the Fanon sense) to mask their lack of political substance, it will be interesting to see how, if they go this route, resentment for the aforementioned groups within the defeated party changes its idioms. Most optimistically, this result could lead to the party tearing itself apart from within, with Gaza becoming a Missouri-Compromise-tier contradiction spelling the party’s own doom.
Bourgeois democracy is as bourgeois democracy does. It’s why in my thirteen years of voting eligibility I have never voted once, but I guess if you’re under the illusion that voting in a bourgeois state “means” anything, or you swallow the nebulous pill of “harm reduction” (to paraphrase an grand old boogeyman of the West, harm reduction is the moderate wing of fascism), then I guess something like this could be very upsetting. The morning after the election, what I saw almost immediately was an immense wave of shock (a “shockwave,” if you will), occasionally (read: usually) manifesting in the most deranged hyper-identity-oriented means possible. Take this one for example:
…ADHDer? What the fuck do you think Trump is going to do, take all your Ritalin? Although considering his last administration’s astronomical stimulant use, maybe you really ought to be worried that they’ll run out and come after yours.
Ah, but then the opening notes of Edvard Grieg’s “In the Hall of the Mountain King” began to echo through the recesses of my mind. The battering of keyboards and heads into walls reverberated like drums, drums in the deep, and a little Gandalf in my brain stared out ominously as he said, plainly:
Who should I see first but at the breaking dawn good ol’ Mr. Morning Joe Scarborough, King Gizzard and the MSNBC Wizard, about to be Top T’Challa of Kamala Valhalla, giving us the “good word” on why he, brilliant man that he is, thinks Kamala lost. What was it, Joe?
Oh okay, so, it’s apparently the fault of Black men for being misogynistic and Hispanics for being racist. We’re getting real fucking intersectional here—Black men hate Kamala for being a woman and Hispanic women hate her for being Black, really trading blows over here. Anything else we can blame this on?
Oh. Okay. So I guess it’s the fault of Black men and Hispanics and White women. I mean, I feel like Kamala could have probably won over White women had she really made the campaign about reproductive rights, sort of feels like that would have been a no-brainer instead of that Cheney shit. Alright. I’ve got my cheat-sheet. Why did Kamala lose? Black men, Hispanics, and White women.
Sorry, I mean Black men, Hispanics, White women, and queer people. That’s why Kamala lost. She lost Hispanics by being Black, Black men by being too much of a woman and a feminist, White women because they’re racist, and lost votes across the board for being too “woke,” specifically to queers.
Yes, and young people, sorry—Black men, Hispanics, White women, queer people, and young people.
Right, well, that one is obvious—but okay so that’s Black men, Hispanics, White women, queer people, young people, and Arabs and Muslims.
And “the left.”
—and “the media.” Black men, Hispanics, White women, queer people, young people, Arabs and Muslims, the left, the media—
—and White men, right—Black men, Hispanics, White women, queer people, young people, Arabs and Muslims, the left, the media, and White men but for different reasons than white women. Anybody else?
Right. Yes. Of course. What was it he did, specifically? Because I thought Harris said she just did everything he’d have done anyway.
Okay so that makes… you know what? Let’s just make this easier and figure out everyone who isn’t “responsible” for Kamala’s election loss.
There we go!
So what’s next for the Democrats and their supporters? Some direct action initiatives maybe? How is the base taking this?
Oh, right, that whole “voting” thing libs like so much. Well how about until 2028? Got any plans? Surely not, oh I don’t know… a nuclear meltdown into a frothing racist lynch mob? Wait… why is that music playing in my head again?
Let it all burn! The demolition of the Democrats must begin in earnest. The Demolicrat Era is upon us. Only out of the ashes of this burning bourgeois party does America have any chance of engaging in real radical action.