FNORD: Grown men who play video games scare the sh*t out of me.
Why gamers terrify me and why they should terrify you too.
The views of Rob Fnord are not endorsed or respected by Discordia Review.
The gamers are coming! The gamers are coming! Hide, now, or they’ll call you the n-word and then send you an IP address that isn’t yours!
WIRED has a new piece out about the harassment of Kamala Harris and how it’s the legacy of Gamergate. I was aghast. Analysts have been warning us for years that apparently the entire far right is actually just because of Gamergate. You may think it was more of a symptom than a cause, but you’d be wrong. Gabrielle D’Annunzio was absolutely a certified gamer. He could wreck your shit in a game of scopa. Gamergate actually got Trump elected. It made that one guy beat Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer! HOW MANY MORE THINGS DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN, GAMERGATE???
They terrify me, the gamers. This guy “4chan” especially. I hear he can hack right into the mainframe and he wears that mask from V for Vendetta. It may SEEM to you as though most reactionary gamers have more or less stuck to making endless deranged videos about how social justice is “ruining video games” because in actuality all that most of them have ever cared about is video games, and that even the minority that didn’t, like Sargon of Akkad going on to pimp for Brexit, are stupid and meaningless and who fucking cares—you’re wrong actually. These are the most dangerous men on earth. Take a look!
If these guys were really “not a threat” then why would they be wearing all that chainmail and have all those shields and swords? Get a few dozen guys like these in a militia together and there’s no telling what they might do. They might even go outside.
WIRED’s David Gilbert understands that saying mean things on the internet was invented in 2015 when a fourteen-year-old in a YouTube comment section argument called him “a fat r*tard baby,” which was far from the sort of witty repartee he was used to in the more well-adjusted subreddits in which he usually spent his time. Now he’s a “disinformation” expert who writes for the Vice Hindenburg, one of the most reputable sources around, just like fellow anti-disinfo scout Real Journalist Robert Evans wrote for Cracked. Gilbert’s here to warn us that the far right has powered up its online insult death star and is aiming that baby RIGHT DOWN AT KAMALA HARRIS!
“Why should I give a shit if people say mean things about the second most powerful woman in America while she presides over the mass slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent people?” you might ask. The decorum, you idiot, the decorum.